Rev. Phys. Appl. (Paris)
Volume 12, Number 2, février 1977
Page(s) 195 - 198
Rev. Phys. Appl. (Paris) 12, 195-198 (1977)
DOI: 10.1051/rphysap:01977001202019500

Homogeneity along Cl-compensated thm grown CdTe ingot

Ngo-Tich-Phuoc, G.M. Martin, C. Belin et E. Fabre

Laboratoire d'Electronique et de Physique Appliquée, 3, avenue Descartes 94450 Limeil-Brevannes, France

Different characterization techniques (TSC, time of flight, nuclear detection) have been used for assessment of Cl-compensated THM grown crystals, in which the chlorine was introduced in various manners. It is observed that the net carrier concentration increases from the beginning to the end of the ingots. Suggestion is made that this may result from background impurities segregation.

On a utilisé différentes techniques expérimentales (courant thermostimulé, temps de vol des porteurs, détection nucléaire) en vue de caractériser des cristaux de tellurure de cadmium préparés par la méthode THM et compensés de différentes manières par le chlore. On constate que la concentration nette d'impuretés croît du début vers l'extrêmité du lingot. On suggère que ceci résulte de la ségrégation d'impuretés résiduelles.

6170T - Doping and implantation of impurities.
6170W - Impurity concentration, distribution, and gradients.
7220F - Low field transport and mobility: piezoresistance semiconductors/insulators.
7280E - Electrical conductivity of III V and II VI semiconductors.
8110F - Crystal growth from melt.
0510 - Crystal growth.
2520D - II VI and III V semiconductors.

Key words
cadmium compounds -- carrier density -- chlorine -- crystal growth from melt -- II VI semiconductors -- impurity distribution -- semiconductor doping -- semiconductor growth -- thermally stimulated currents -- time of flight spectra -- nuclear detection -- background impurities segregation -- travelling heater method -- melt grown CdTe:Cl crystal -- doping method -- II VI semiconductor -- thermally stimulated current -- time of flight measurement -- carrier concentration homogeneity