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Electronic Properties of CdTe/CdS Solar Cells as Influenced by a Buffer Layer

Y. G. Fedorenko, J. D. Major, A. Pressman, L. Phillips and K. Durose
MRS Advances 1 (14) 937 (2016)

Modification of electron states in CdTe absorber due to a buffer layer in CdTe/CdS solar cells

Y. G. Fedorenko, J. D. Major, A. Pressman, L. J. Phillips and K. Durose
Journal of Applied Physics 118 (16) (2015)

Characterization of space charge layer deep defects in n+-CdS/p-CdTe solar cells by temperature dependent capacitance spectroscopy

P. R. Kharangarh, D. Misra, G. E. Georgiou and K. K. Chin
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CdTe and Related Compounds; Physics, Defects, Hetero- and Nano-structures, Crystal Growth, Surfaces and Applications

O. Panchuk and P. Fochuk
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Exact Self-Compensation of Conduction in Cd[sub 0.95]Zn[sub 0.05]Te:Cl Crystals in a Wide Range of Cd Vapor Pressures

O. A. Matveev
Semiconductors 39 (9) 998 (2005)

The effects of CdCl2 on the electronic properties of molecular-beam epitaxially grown CdTe/CdS heterojunction solar cells

S. A. Ringel, A. W. Smith, M. H. MacDougal and A. Rohatgi
Journal of Applied Physics 70 (2) 881 (1991)

Evolution of resistivity along Cl-compensated THM grown cadmium telluride crystals

B. Biglari, M. Samimi, J. M. Koebel, M. Hage-Ali and P. Siffert
Physica Status Solidi (a) 100 (2) 589 (1987)