Issue |
Rev. Phys. Appl. (Paris)
Volume 17, Number 11, novembre 1982
Page(s) | 753 - 757 | |
DOI | |
Rev. Phys. Appl. (Paris) 17, 753-757 (1982)
DOI: 10.1051/rphysap:019820017011075300
Laboratoire d'Optique des Fluides , Faculté des Sciences, 2, Boulevard Lavoisier, 49045 Angers Cedex, France
0650D - Data gathering, processing, and recording, data displays including digital techniques.
0765 - Optical spectroscopy and spectrometers.
3320F - Raman and Rayleigh molecular spectra.
3580 - Atomic and molecular measurements and techniques.
3380D - Control of physical instruments.
7320 - Physics and chemistry computing.
7420 - Control engineering computing.
Key words
computerised spectroscopy -- data acquisition -- helium -- organic compounds -- Raman spectra of organic molecules and substances -- Raman spectroscopy -- Rayleigh scattering -- methane He mixture -- methane -- tetrafluoromethane -- Raman scattering -- PDP 11 -- double monochromator -- data acquisition system -- fluctuations -- parasitic effects -- collisional induced scattering spectrum
DOI: 10.1051/rphysap:019820017011075300
Saisie automatique d'un spectre de diffusion collisionnelle
J. Berrue, A. Chave, B. Dumon et M. ThibeauLaboratoire d'Optique des Fluides , Faculté des Sciences, 2, Boulevard Lavoisier, 49045 Angers Cedex, France
By automatically controlling of a double monochromator and using a specially devised data acquisition system, we have succeeded in reducing the fluctuations and eliminating parasitic effects by elementary statistical study of the signal. The method was applied to the study of the collision induced scattering spectrum of CF4, CH4 and CH 4-He mixture.
L'automatisation d'un monochromateur double et la réalisation d'un système de données, permet de réduire les fluctuations et de contrôler les parasites grâce à une étude statistique simple du signal. On peut ainsi étudier les spectres de diffusion collisionnelle Rayleigh et Raman. Nous proposons des résultats de diffusion Rayleigh obtenus dans CF4, CH4 et le mélange CH4-He.
0650D - Data gathering, processing, and recording, data displays including digital techniques.
0765 - Optical spectroscopy and spectrometers.
3320F - Raman and Rayleigh molecular spectra.
3580 - Atomic and molecular measurements and techniques.
3380D - Control of physical instruments.
7320 - Physics and chemistry computing.
7420 - Control engineering computing.
Key words
computerised spectroscopy -- data acquisition -- helium -- organic compounds -- Raman spectra of organic molecules and substances -- Raman spectroscopy -- Rayleigh scattering -- methane He mixture -- methane -- tetrafluoromethane -- Raman scattering -- PDP 11 -- double monochromator -- data acquisition system -- fluctuations -- parasitic effects -- collisional induced scattering spectrum