Rev. Phys. Appl. (Paris)
Volume 23, Numéro 4, avril 1988
Page(s) 685 - 685
Rev. Phys. Appl. (Paris) 23, 685-685 (1988)
DOI: 10.1051/rphysap:01988002304068500

Correlation of Peierls-Nabarro Stress with Crystal Structure

Takayoshi Suzuki et Shin Takeuchi

Institute of Industrial Science and Institute for Solid State Physics University of Tokyo, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106, Japan

Without abstract

6170L - Slip, creep, internal friction and other indirect evidence of dislocations.
6220F - Deformation and plasticity.

Key words
crystal atomic structure -- internal stresses -- dislocations -- slip -- Peierls Nabarro stress -- crystal structure

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