Influence of the interfacial layer on the properties of the Au/ZnSe Schottky barrier p. 1617 L. Tarricone DOI: AbstractPDF (945.4 KB)References
Modélisation magnétique et numérique par éléments finis de feuilletages ferromagnétiques p. 1625 J.P. Bastos, C. Jablon, G. Quichaud and F. Rioux-Damidau DOI: AbstractPDF (763.5 KB)References
Mass determination of molecules of biological interest by fast heavy ions induced desorption mass spectrometry p. 1631 Y. Le Beyec, S. Della Negra, C. Deprun, P. Vigny and Y.M. Ginot DOI: AbstractPDF (799.5 KB)References